OCR Related Posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Making Operations Easier for NSX Distributed Firewall

Operations isn't a very sexy topic, but having been there;done that, I know how important it is to an organization. The way a product makes itself easier to support, the better. With that in mind, I'd like to share an enhancement VMware NSX has made to the Central CLI.

In NSX the Distributed Firewall (DFW) policy is enforced on the ESXi host where the guest resides. This avoids hairpinning of traffic and allows horizontal scale while securing traffic as close to the source as possible. The DFW logs created are stored locally on the host instead of being centralized to the NSX Manager or another location. Until NSX 6.2.3 collecting DFW logs meant customers needed to determine which host the VM is on, connect to the host and get the log and turn around and upload it to the Global Support Services (GSS) for analysis. Not a difficult process but there was an opportunity for improvement.

In NSX 6.2 we added a feature called Central CLI which enabled customers to connect to the NSX Manager via SSH and issue commands that would go out and grab whatever information you told it to collect and then display it from the single SSH session. This in and of itself was an improvement but we didn't stop there. In NSX 6.2.3 the ability to collect a support bundle for DFW logs from a host and copy them (via SCP) to a target server was added.

Note: As of NSX 6.2.3 this is a command that must be executed in enable mode of NSX Manager.

Here's the new command in action where I'll have the NSX Manager collect the support logs from host 49, bundle them up into a compressed TAR file and copy them to a CentOS host on my network.

dc1-nsxmgr01> ena
dc1-nsxmgr01# export host-tech-support host-49 scp root@
Generating logs for Host: host-49...
scp /tmp/VMware-NSX-Manager-host-49--dc1-compute03.fuller.net--host-tech-support--06-28-2016-16-29-31.tgz root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:jiutMmcrUKH9fZgsuR8VfNoQEz8oq0ubVPATeAXMoxg.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:

We can see it triggered to creation of the logs on the host and then used SCP to copy it to the destination ( in my network).

If we look on the destination server we can see the file.

[root@lab-tools logs]# ls -l
total 932
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 952931 Jun 28 16:40 VMware-NSX-Manager-host-49--dc1-compute03.fuller.net--host-tech-support--06-28-2016-16-40-31.tgz
[root@lab-tools logs]#

So there you have it, an easier way to collect support logs.  I'll have an additional blog on how to track a VM down that has been moving around due to DRS. 

Let me know if you like posts with an operational focus.

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