In June my son and I completed our first GORUCK Heavy event,
the Land Nav on the west coast in Southern California. You can read the AAR
here. It wasn’t but a few weeks later that the coordinator of the event started
to plan a similar event for the east coast and the location was identified as
Pisgah National Forest outside of Asheville, NC. We jumped at the chance to do
a similar event, closer to home and in weather we’re comfortable with. After my
challenges with the west coast event, we both signed up for the Cleveland Area
Rucking Crew’s Heavy Drop Training and completed 3 rounds before this event. In
addition, we did multiple other events and continued to train and improve. I
had a goal to fare much better in Asheville than I did in CA where I was
consistently the slowest team member and….well, read the original AAR and let’s
not rehash the past. That said, this is the AAR for the East event.