One interesting aspect for VMworld is that we like to have feedback from the community about the sessions they'd like to see. This is where *you* come in! Part of the factoring for session approval is the number of votes received. This is a good gauge as to what the VMware community considering interesting and relevant to them. To that end I have submitted four sessions. Two are customer success stories about NSX and the others are a discussion I have with customers all the time about NSX Distributed Firewall Rule Creation with the last being a discussion about integration of Symantec Data Center Server and NSX.
First, let's see the customer success sessions:
Session title: Securely
migrating to NSX Distributed Firewall from a 3rd party hypervisor based
firewall - Submission ID: 7567
This session will discuss the process and methodology used to provide a successful migration from a 3rd party hypervisor based firewall solution to the NSX Distributed Firewall (DFW). The University of Michigan was faced with End of Life of their 3rd party hypervisor based firewall solution and needed a replacement to meet their cloud initiatives and their scale requirements. The planning, testing and the methodology used to migrate successfully to NSX will be reviewed and best practices shared.
This session will discuss the process and methodology used to provide a successful migration from a 3rd party hypervisor based firewall solution to the NSX Distributed Firewall (DFW). The University of Michigan was faced with End of Life of their 3rd party hypervisor based firewall solution and needed a replacement to meet their cloud initiatives and their scale requirements. The planning, testing and the methodology used to migrate successfully to NSX will be reviewed and best practices shared.
Session title: Migrating from a hardware based firewall to NSX
to improve performance and compliance - Submission ID: 8174
technical session will discuss how AT Still University (ATSU) replaced their
hardware firewalls with VMware NSX with minimal disruption to the business and
improved their compliance capabilities. ATSU is a university focused on
healthcare, HIPPA requirements must be met to secure sensitive medical records.
The challenge was how to deploy a firewall that met their scale requirements,
was cost effective and improved their compliance posture. The planning,
implementation and validation plan will be discussed as well as challenges
faced and obstacles that were overcome.
Finally, my submissions:
Session title: Practical
NSX Distributed Firewall Policy Creation - Submission ID: 7568
The Distributed Firewall (DFW) within NSX is a
powerful tool capable of providing industry leading micro-segmentation. One of
the common considerations customers have is how to best create a zero trust
security policy in their existing environment where application ports and
protocols used may not be well understood. This session will discuss multiple
examples of how customers have successfully addressed these needs with tools
such as Netflow, syslog, flow monitor and port mirror.
Session title: Advanced Threat Protection with NSX and Symantec Data Center Security - Submission ID: 7697
technical session will discuss in detail the integration of Symantec Data
Center Server and NSX to provide a comprehensive threat protection solution.
The methodology used to steer traffic in NSX will be reviewed to provide a
foundation. The integration of Symantec Data Center Server will be reviewed and
common use cases will be explained and illustrated.
Voting for sessions end on May 24th and can be done here:
Thank you for your time and consideration and hope to see you in Las Vegas and Barcelona!